
Also available in 廣東話, and 官話

我唔係咩攝影師,我嘅名唔係杜可風。唔識得點去拍相畀女仔一睇就冧晒,更加唔多鍾鐿畀人照我塊面。 見到靚風景又都唔會即刻諗起要拍落嚟。你見到我呢個網站亦都好少照片。學 George Clooney 喺 “Up in the Air“話齋: “Pictures? Those are for people who can’t remember.” 我都係咁諗。所以我記嘢嘅時候會記到刻骨銘心。但係因為咁,好多啲唔開心嘅回憶亦都記得好刻骨銘心。而且因為我係一個好懷舊嘅人,啲回憶(無論係好嘅抑係壞嘅)都會好容易諗起

0 Replies to “刻骨銘心嘅記憶”

  1. But what i think is : pictures? those are for people who want to really refresh their feelings from time to time & want to remember events more detailly~
    don’t u think……feelings are not alway the same while you look back at the same event from the different stage/period of yr life?

  2. Thank you for your kind comments. However, I just don’t feel the need to use pictures to remember things in detail. In fact, by doing so, it forces me to remember things more clearly (for the better or for the worse). Kinda’ like tribes that don’t have a writing system. Whenever they have develop a contract between tribes, they do it orally, and flesh every detail out. On the downside, re-negotiations have to happen more often. However, nations with writing systems write out contracts, and then their lawyers like to interpret it so many different ways, they end up going to war anyways. (What I’m trying to say, is that, there are pluses and minuses to each system of having picture/writing system, but not having pictures works for me).

    What you’re describing is a hermeneutic process to re-interpret past events. For me, it’s more like time traveling back into the past in the exact position and moment, reliving every bit. I think this is a more personal way of remembering things, and allows me to have a deeper connection to my own memories. Interpretations take a back seat. Not saying they don’t happen, they just aren’t as high of a prerogative. However, when I reach the point of re-interpreting my own memories, it seems that I become very distant from them, and in some ways, it takes away something. Sure, the good thing is that it’ll take away pains of bad memories, but at the same time, it takes away the good stuff in the good memories.

    Please let me know what you think.

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