Fuck College!

I’m really getting sick and tired of it. The more I stay in school, the more enthusiasm I lose for life.

Anyone who says, “A degree is important” can honestly kiss my ass. (Sorry, Jackson!)

But the only reason why it’s important, is because everyone’s spreading that bullshit that “College is important”. They believe that if you have a degree, you can do secretarial work just fine. Then, go through all the bullshit of college, then you can deal with the bullshit that corporate life has to offer. Whoopdy-fuckin’-doo!

And for those of you who say, “But I learned a lot in college!” That means one of two things:

  1. You’re too stupid to learn anything else on your own
  2. or…

  3. You’re too lazy to learn anything on your own, to which case, a little piece of shit like you needs to be spoon fed for the rest of his/hear life. You will also be the same fucker that sucks everything out of the corporation they can.


? Yeah… got it tonight…


2 Replies to “Fuck College!”

  1. I think you are looking at it the wrong way.
    You learn what you learn in school, if you like it and study a lot = more. If you like it less, you learn less. But either way it does not matter, you’ll forget most of it anyway. And you can learn alot by not being in school as well.
    It all depends on what you want to do later in life. If you in any way plan to work in a line of business where degrees/diplomas etc matter, then not having the education will tell people something about you.

  2. “either way it does not matter, you’ll forget most of it anyway. And you can learn alot by not being in school as well.”
    You’ve just proven my point. College is really obsolete when it comes to receiving a real education –something that actually sticks with you for life. Because if you forget it anyway, then you really haven’t learned anything. It’s like reading a book, and then not knowing what it’s about afterwards.

    So, as an “institution for higher education”, colleges fail in that respect.

    I mean, you want people to become “well rounded”, so you make them take a bunch of courses that they really can’t relate to (Gen Ed courses). In the end, they’re only forced to take a class mandated to them, just to pass a grade and get a piece of paper. But let’s assume that these people actually take something from college, then they become a “jack of all trades, master of none”.

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