“Disrupt: The comic”

Recap: January 12,2008

“‘Why is my face so contourted?’ You ask… Well…”

I was wallowing in my own self-pity by singing Asian love ballads.

“Bitch! If you sing another song with your wretched voice, I’m gonna’ rearrange your face!”

“MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! It’s my turn to sing! Where’s my entourage?!”

“Here we are, boss!”

“When I sing, I like to strike a pose!”

“OOh! We like!”


“I am dismayed that I have a rival. WE MUST KUNG-FU FIGHT!”

“You think you can take my Muzzle like this? I’m Tony!!! Look how cool I am with this dramatic shadowing! One word: ‘멋 있다!’! Now, I must transform to take you down! 변신!!!!”

Transformed Tony
“One word: ‘멋 있다!'”

“Gr…! You are not the only one who can change forms! I must press my transformation button to match your challenge!”


“I’m so scared, I can’t watch!”

“Haha! Have a taste of my T-Rex Kung Fu style!”

“Ah! Transformed Roger‘s T-Rex style is so powerful! But it’s no match for my….”

“…Point of Death! OH~!”

“Ah…! Your ‘Point of Death’ is too much for me! I bow in admiration!”

Transformed Roger bows to Transformed Tony’s “Point of Death” in T-Rex Kung-Fu style.

OK…. Maybe things didn’t happen that way after all this…

Some events may not have happened the way I remember them as.


又睇咗呢部電影! 真好睇! 好似將我哋”支’亂’部隊”(“Disrupt”) 傳喺銀幕上邊。好有意思,幾個兄弟,有拗,有笑。即呈同我哋一模一樣, 不過佢哋至少可以玩鎗。(^_^)如果畀我哋玩鎗嘅話我睇都會打中自己 –都嗰陣時恐怕唔會覺得好玩。( -_-,)


說真的, 好悶。演肙演戲過度。而且故事裡面的角色都好像沒有什麼互相構通,踏不了當。表示不到一點感情。這衹是一部打打殺殺的電影。徐克以前在那個“黃飛鴻”系列比較好看。

如果要說這部電影有什麼好的話, 應該是殺人的方法很多到了這部電影我還不知道有那麼多。