
The original timestamp for this post was on: 2008-01-04 07:13:32, and was just a short comment on a good time I had with wonderful people from my past, watching the movie “Atonement”. Yet, I remember the movie less so than the friends I watched it with, and sadly, I haven’t maintained contact with them.

losing my photographer just brought that idea of losing those around me. I’m saddened by the fact that I can’t continue on this journey we call life, at the same time I’m happy for them in that even though they are continuing to face pressures from other directions (including from me) and decided to cut them off to concentrate on something for themselves. There’s definitely something to learn from this. Most of us feel that we are bogged down by things or people around our lives, but never do anything to improve it. Sometimes, we had well-defined goals, and then rather than realising our full potentials, gave it all up because of those around us. Whether they were harassing us for what we were doing, or maybe for those people that supposedly love us but then end up putting us down or just not helping us become our better selves.

Now with less constraints, there is no excuse for us. No person is holding the other down, and the only person stopping us from achieving our full potential is no one else but us. I had goals that I broke away from because of pressure from other people, and it’s time I redefined my purpose, and give myself new direction in my life, just like my photographer. Thank you for that reminder, I am forever grateful, and continue to learn something new in your absence.


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